Several weeks ago I was approached to review a book about back health. Now, we all know this is a food and cooking blog, but anyone who reads regularly also knows that my husband had a very serious accident nearly 3 years ago.
With that accident came a multitude of health problems for Marty including herniated discs in his thoracic back and the severe pain that accompanies it. So, I agreed to take a look at the book and see what I thought.
8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back by Esther Gohkale with Susan Adams, published by Pendo Press, is an extension of the method developed and taught by Esther Gohkale for 17 years. The easy step-by-step instructions include plenty of photos, simple to understand commands and ample background on back pain causes and cultural differences in posture that can lead to or eliminate back pain.
After suffering with her own back problems, Esther looked into and became certified in Aplomb®. She then spent years in other countries interviewing and photographing people who lived without back pain. She then devised the Gokhale MethodSM based on her field research and other methods she had learned.
The first thing that surprised me was learning that we in the United States especially have been taught incorrect posture touted as correct. How many times have you been told to 'tuck tail' and 'stand straight'? Did you know that in itself can cause back pain? I was intrigued from the start.
I've tried each and every step of this method from stretchsitting (an immediate 'Aaahhh') to glide walking and felt an immediate difference with each one. I am far more aware of my posture throughout the day and even when settling down to sleep at night.
What about Marty? Well, he's been reading the book (slowly but surely, like most things for him these days), but hasn't practiced any of the method. I'm anxious for him to start because I'm confident it will ease a good portion of his pain. I plan on keeping this where I can put my hands on it at all times.
So, while there are still a few days left before Father's Day, why not pick one up for the man in your life. After all, the most common health complaint among dads is backache. Pick up a copy and see if he isn't feeling better in no time. After all, you have nothing to lose but pain!
Esther Gohkale Wellness Center
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